35 research outputs found

    Business opportunities in the Ethiopian fruit and vegetable sector

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    The horticultural sector in Ethiopia is growing strongly. Major part of this growth is created by investments in the floriculture sector. Recently more and more in terest from the Dutch private sector is shown in the Ethiopian fruits and vegeta ble sector. Export of fruit and vegetables has been limited but is now growing strongly with new investors coming in. Both in Europe and in the Middle East there is a growing interest for products from Ethiopia. Presently, the main export products are fresh beans, strawberries, tomatoes, courgettes, peppers and fresh herbs. A potential new crop is table grapes. The Government of Ethiopia gives high pri ority to the development of the horticulture sector and in 2008 the Horticultural Development Agency has been established with a specific focus to promote and support the further development of the horticulture sector. It is concluded that the further development of the fruit and vegetable sector in Ethiopia for export to Europe and the Middle East has good perspectives and provides interesting opportunities for foreign investors. The sector is however still in its infant stage. Facilitating conditions for doing business are not yet op timal, but are expected to improve in the near future. For growers who consider starting operations in Ethiopia it is important to carefully select a location and ensure getting the logistical and cool chain well organised beforehand. For companies considering sourcing from Ethiopia it is important to build good relations with the potential growers, provide hands on guidance and train ing and invest in organising the logistical supply chain well

    Pilot to improve linkage of domestic tomato supply chains to local high segment markets

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    The pilot aims to link smallholder tomato farmers in both Kenya and Tanzania to local high segment markets as supermarkets, hotels, restaurants and hospitals

    Dutch business opportunities in the Turkish biodiesel sector

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    To research possibilities for Dutch businesses to be involved in the Turkish biodiesel sector, a short literature study and unstructured interviews with sector stakeholders were performed. Turkey is interested to develop its biofuel sector particularly to improve its security of energy supply, more than climatic based reasons. Turkey is currently importing most of its energy needs. About 50% of oil is used for transportation. Biodiesel has been produced chiefly from imported oilseeds. However, the quantities of locally produced rapeseed and to a lesser extent safflower has increased strongly in the last few years. Biodiesel production grew from 2005 onwards but always remained under its capacity. In mid 2008 production was completely halted. Input prices were high and supporting policies were lacking. Mixing gasoline with biodiesel in Turkey is not mandatory. Economic reforms following the financial crisis in 2001 and a new direct foreign investment law has improved the investment climate for foreign investors. Current possibilities for the Dutch private sector to be involved in the Turkish biodiesel sector are however very limited. Local demand for biodiesel is low and a clear policy focus on biodiesel is still lacking

    Improving the Tanzanian-Mombasa cross-border tomato product chain: a study of Mombasa tomato market : draft report

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    The study of Mombasa tomato market is part of the project “Development of Commercial Field Vegetable Production, Distribution and Marketing for the East African Market”. The project is implementing a pilot activity on improving crossborder tomato chains from Ngarenanyuki, Tanzania, to Mombasa, Kenya. The overall objective of the study was to assess the requirements, institutional setting and current supply issues of the Mombasa tomato market and to describe the supply chain logistics and characteristics

    CSR business models and change trajectories in the retail industry; A Dynamic Benchmark Exercise (1995-2007)

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    Sustainability or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an important societal issue that also gains momentum in the food retail industry. Companies apply different strategies towards sustainability and can alter these over time. This report presents the findings of RSM research on (changes in) business models of CSR strategies within three leading Dutch food retailers as well as three leading European food retailers. The research reveals the level of internal and external alignment as important factors to understand the design and the development of the companies' CSR business model

    Business in biofuel

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    Een beschrijving van de keten en ketenpartijen in de business van biotransportbrandstoffen. Vier cases staan centraal. Bio-ethanol op basis van maïs in de Verenigde Staten en bio-ethanol op basis van Braziliaans suikerriet. Daarnaast: biodiesel uit Duits koolzaad en biodiesel uit palmolie geproduceerd in Maleisië en Indonesië. Het rapport geeft ook een verklaring van de ketenorganisati

    Ontwikkeling methodologie voor berekening broeikasgaseffecten binnen tuinbouwketens : eindrapport fase II

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    Dit is het eindrapport van fase II van het project 'Ontwikkeling methodologie voor het berekenen van broeikasgaseffecten binnen tuinbouwketens.' Het primaire doel van het project is een systematiek en (demo) tool te ontwikkelen waarmee de Nederlandse teeltsector en handel van tuinbouwproducten broeikasgasemissiescores kunnen berekenen die geschikt zijn voor communicatie met Nederlandse en buitenlandse retail en via de retail naar de consument. Een belangrijke aanleiding voor het ontstaan van dit project is de groeiende druk vanuit de Britse supermarkt sector om van toeleveranciers te eisen dat ze verantwoording af leggen over hun bijdrage aan het mondiaal broeikaseffect